Feedback form for 1C-Bitrix

1C-Bitrix is a popular CMS for website and web application development. It was primarily intended for high-load projects: information portals, online stores, websites of large companies and government organizations.

The Web Form module

The module allows you to create and post various feedback forms in the public section of the site. This may be a request to the company's support service, an application for participation in a seminar, collecting information on a vacancy, etc. 

Module Features

  • create an unlimited number of different types of feedback forms;
  • select components in the visual editor;
  • customize the appearance using the module's components or API;
  • create an unlimited number of questions and answers;
  • receive feedback, process and store data sent by users;
  • export the filling results in Excel format;
  • to send the results of the responses by mail;
  • distribute access rights to feedback forms among individual employees;
  • integration with other modules.

How to create a feedback form in Bitrix 

There are two creation modes:

Simplified mode

Designed to create simple shapes. In this mode, fields are not used, and the status is set automatically.

Simplified mode operation is possible if the “Use simplified form editing mode” flag is set in the module settings.

Advanced Mode

In addition to managing questions and response results, it allows you to configure statuses and create calculated fields. 

To work in advanced mode, in the module settings, you must uncheck the “Use simplified form editing mode” field.

Data saved in advanced mode, when switching to simplified mode, may change the structure and make the feedback work incorrectly.

Creating a feedback form in simplified mode

The creation process

On the Form Setup page, click on the “Create” button.

  1. Specify the name.
  2. Specify the names of the menu items in the administrative section.
  3. Specify a name for the save result button.

Add a description

Put a check box next to the label “Use the default form template”.

Specify the access rights for the groups

Click on the “Save” button.

Adding questions

Click on the “+” icon in the questions column.

  1. Specify the name of the question.
  2. Specify whether the field is required.
  3. Specify the data type (name, email, message, etc.).
  4. Specify the data size (maximum number of characters).

Click on the “Save” button.
The creation process must be repeated for each new question.

Publication on the website

Create a new section

  • Specify the name of the section and leave a check mark “Add menu item” to display the section;
  • Then click on the “Next” button;
  • Specify the location where the section will be displayed;
  • After that, click on the “Done” button.

In the created section, switch to the page editing mode, find the web form component and drag it to the left side of the window.
Double-click on the component to open the component parameters.

Go to the “Data Source” section, click on the “Web form ID” drop-down list and select the form you want to display in the public part of the site.

Click on the “Save” button.
As a result, the created form will appear on the page.

Working with third-party components

A module from X3Group

The component is a constructor for creating feedback forms.

Already when installing the module, the necessary information blocks and mail templates are automatically created. All that remains is to place the component in the right place and adjust the display.
By default, the component uses a minimal set of fields. If necessary, you can add any number of additional text fields (text, file and list types are supported), give them a name and make them mandatory.
It is possible to customize the appearance, color schemes, enable sending a message without reloading the page, set the text and reaction after successfully sending data.

A component from DevelopX

Feedback form module using infoblocks and google captcha reCAPTCHA v3.


  • Separate installation of the reCAPTCHA module;
  • Only the "String" and "HTML/Text" field types are supported.

A component from InterLabs

The module makes it possible to create any number of feedback forms, configure them, and allows you to save and manage data. 

Additional features include:

  • showing a standard captcha;
  • conclusion of the personal data agreement;
  • checking for filling in fields;
  • validation for phone and e-mail fields.