The form for Tilda

Tilda is a website builder. With the help of a convenient designer, you can create a beautiful functional website in a couple of hours without knowledge of programming languages. 

Problems with shapes on the Tilde

Tilda is shareware. This means that the free version will be severely reduced in functionality and a website will be provided for use, to which the domain cannot be connected. In this case, the site address will not look very nice in combination with the generated values. 

Limitations of the free tilde tariff: 

  • You cannot connect your domain (the domain will take this form:;
  • A secure SSL certificate will not be connected, so it will be on http, not https;
  • Maximum number of pages: 50;
  • Inability to connect third-party CRM (applications are stored in the internal system for a limited time);
  • Access to the library is limited;
  • Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics will be disabled;
  • Inability to edit the contents of the Head tag;
  • There is no access to the Webmaster panel;
  • The catalog is not available (all added products will be deleted 30 days after the transition without the possibility of recovery);
  • Streams are not available (all added records will be deleted 7 days after the transition without the possibility of recovery.

In order to take advantage of all the features of Tilde, you can activate a free trial period for two weeks.

In Tilda, the following functions will be available for feedback forms:

  • Creating forms;
  • Adding and editing fields;
  • Naming a field variable;
  • The sent data is stored in the “Applications” section;
  • Exporting applications in CSV format;
  • Receiving applications by Email, in Google Docs or in services integrated with Tilde: MailChimp, GetResponse, UniSender, SendGrid, amoCRM, Megaplan;
  • Changing the button text;
  • Specifying a message after it has been successfully sent;
  • Redirect to a website or page in case of successful sending of data;
  • Changing the color (fields, buttons and individual elements), the radius of the rounding;
  • Adding animations to elements;
  • Adding a class for CSS;
  • Converting the form to the Zero Block editor and managing each element.

The site will be taken down from publication 5 days after the end of the trial period.

Tilde Widgets


In the block library, go to the “Form and Button” category to select one of the ready-made templates.

To set up the fields, click on the “Content” button and go to the “Input Fields” tab.

To change the appearance, click on the “Settings” button. 

Zero Block

The Zero Block module allows you to add a form as a separate element and implement any idea with your own design.

What is Zero Block for?:

  • If you have not found a suitable standard block and need to create it from scratch;
  • When you need to make the same headers on the site (the display in the standard blocks is often different);
  • When it is necessary to give some kind of uniqueness to a standard block. In this case, you can convert the element to zero and change it there.
    When converting to zero, the information in the standard block is reset to zero and a draft of this block is displayed. Duplicate it before converting it to zero. Then you will have both the standard block and the new Zero. Then just delete the one you don't need.

In the block library, you need to go down – there will be an opportunity to add a Zero Block. 

Click “Edit Block” and then the Zero Block template will open. 
Delete all the contents and click on the “plus” and select “Add Form”.

By default, a standard form will appear, which can be customized to any requirements using the settings panel.

Third-party services

To add a form from a third-party service, use the “HTML code" block. Absolutely any code is added through it, including script and style tags.

After adding the block, click the "Content" button to edit.
Insert the form code
Click the "Save and Close" button.

To see the changes, click "Publish".


When using the free tariff (Free) on Tilda, the services for receiving data in forms will not work. Applications will be stored in the internal system in the “Applications” section for a limited time.

It is possible to get access to integrations only when connecting a paid tariff or in case of activation of the shareware version. 
To connect data reception services, go to the site settings, select the service, fill in the fields and activate it.
Next, after adding the block with the form, select the service in the block settings, save the settings and publish the page.

Using Qform to work with Tilde

The ability to export the site is provided only in the “Business” tariff plan.

When exporting a ready-made customized website from Tilde to hosting: 

  • all feedback methods stop working;
  • your CRM is missing;
  • sending goal achievements to the analytics system stops working.

Use the Qform service to restore the forms left without the standard Tilde handler. In terms of working with forms, the service is not inferior to Tilde and provides such features as:

Application processing system

Accept responses from the form into the built-in CRM system. Track the status of application processing, use the filter for a quick search. Export to Excel if necessary.

Access rights

The service is adapted and convenient for agencies and teams. Simplify the application management process by creating a group with individual participants. Share access rights between team members through roles so that everyone deals only with their own applications.


All data is protected from spam by captcha, intelligent spam filters. You can connect Google Recaptcha to verify the user and protect against bots.

Using target Yandex and Google

Set goals for Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics based on the results of submitting forms. Evaluate the effectiveness and expediency of use.

Adding a video

It allows you to visually demonstrate the product, present the service, show the process from the inside and reveal the content of the product.

Web forms with the ability to upload files

Create web forms with the function of uploading text and image files, images, videos, and music. All data will be available for download in the user's personal account.

How to add a QForm form to a Tilda website

To integrate the created form on the Qform service into the Tilde, you need to create a section by clicking on the "+" icon and go down to the "Other" section in the list of blocks and select "HTML code".

Click on the "Content" menu and in the "HTML CODE / WIDGET CODE" field paste the copied DIV to install the form and the script code to open the form.

Click “Save and Close” and then go to the “Settings” menu.

Adjust the shape display (width, margins, alignment, background color) and click "Save and Close” at the top of the menu.

Click “Publish” and open the page.