An easy way to attract customers

Communicate with your audience in an unusual format and hold their attention. Tell us about your business, share a video feedback or post an announcement. The Qform widget for adding videos to the site is intuitive management, settings for any queries and full analytics on views and clicks
Easy embedding of videos
Add a video to your website in 5 minutes. Even take pictures with your phone. After registering and uploading the video to the service, the system will issue a code. Embed it on your website and watch your clicks and views increase.
For any sites
Embed a video module into your website regardless of the CMS it runs on. All you need to do is get the finished code, copy and paste it into the desired place on the site
Stand out from the rest. Using videos, create and maintain the image of the company: let employees talk about it and share interesting thoughts
Configure data transfer to advertising cabinets and analytics systems
Conversion growth
People trust live videos: turn casual visitors into interested and engaged potential customers
Design and layout
Customize the widget to match your corporate style or website design: choose colors, fonts and button design. It can be embedded in the text on the site page or pinned in the corner of the screen on top of the content
Setting up a HUNDRED-button
Prompt users to take actions: set the name and time for the button to appear. You can think through a scenario of what will happen after the click: a form will open, a new link or scroll to the desired block
Report on views and clicks
Video pages usually collect two to three times more user responses than one text and images. Analytics will show how much viewers like your videos and whether they watch them to the end

Try different widget display options

Surprise the audience and boost sales

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